

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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12 The LORD said to Moses, "Come up the mountain  to me, and while you are here, I will give you two stone tablets which contain all the laws that I have written for the instruction of the people." 13 Moses and hie helper Joshuagot ready, and Moses began to go up the holy moutain. 14 Moses said to the leaders, "Wait here in the camp for us nutil we come back. Aaron and Hur are here with you ; and so whoever has a dispute to settle can go to them."
15 Moses went up Mount Sinai, and a cloud it. 16-17 The dazzling light of the LORD's presence came down on the mountain. The cloud covered the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from cloud. 18 Moses went on up the mountain into the cloud. There he stay for forty days and nights.